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Fish Oil Benefits: Enjoy the Good and Avoid the Bad

January 23, 2015

omega-3 supplements

Since you’re an intelligent consumer, it is a fact that you have probably spent many hours searching the Internet, asking friends, and reading books about the benefits of fish oil. While the benefits of fish oil have been proven in clinical trials and been given enough anecdotal evidence of its efficacy, very little has been written on the side effects from increased dosages of omega-3 oils. It is possible to enjoy the benefits of essential fatty acid supplementation without suffering any of the debilitating and dangerous side effects that may accompany high doses of DHA and EPA.

Increased mental acuity, lowered blood pressure, improved memory, a reduction in total cholesterol, relief from musculoskeletal pains, and an overall reduction in silent inflammation are just a few of the benefits that come from a diet high in essential fatty acids (EFAs). Prolonged bleeding time, indigestion, unpleasant “fishy” burps, bad breath, nausea, diarrhea, and decreased autoimmune response in those persons who system is already compromised, are a few of the side effects experienced by some people when taking omega-3 supplements. Some or none of the benefits or side effects may be experienced by people taking fish oil. Following the recommendation of a healthcare professional who is monitoring your condition will ensure that the greatest benefits are obtained with the fewest side effects experienced.

Fish oil provides the greatest benefits for your health and taken on a consistent basis and at a regular time every day are safe. Taking the supplements in divided doses throughout the day allows your body to absorb the nutrients as they are needed since essential fatty acids cannot be made or stored for long periods of time in the body. Fish oil can be taken at any time of the day but is best tolerated when taken in the early morning and with a meal.

effects experienced

Taking doses of omega-3 supplements between one and 3 g per day is generally considered safe by most medical professionals and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the FDA does not recommend fish oil for any specific condition nor does it offer an opinion on how effective this supplement is for treating any condition. Published clinical trials and long-standing anecdotal evidence have provided alternative and mainstream health professionals a long list of conditions that may benefit from fish oil been added to the diet.

The side effects of fish oil are mostly cosmetic and unpleasant rather than life-threatening problems. Only in extreme cases of seafood allergies, impaired organ function, and exacerbated gastric conditions does mortality become an issue. Most of the unpleasant side effects disappear over time as the body adjusts itself to additional nutrient levels. During this adjustment phase taking the capsules at mealtime and beginning with small doses and working up to the recommended effective dose for your condition should lessen these unpleasant side effects. Depending on the individual, any stomach upset and the “fishy” burp problems should resolve themselves within 2 to 3 weeks of beginning the treatment. Some manufacturers use a type of capsule that does not dissolve until it has entered the small intestine thereby reducing many of the gastrointestinal side effects.

Choosing a supplement should not be difficult however, with all the hype regarding omega-3 supplements it is hard to tell when you’re getting a quality product. Research into the manufacture and development of these type products will help you to determine the right product for your system and condition. Avoiding low levels of nutrients, contamination, and just plain junk should be your goal when searching for a fish oil supplement. Individual concerns aside, quality products are available at a reasonable cost from a number of sources that should be readily available to you.

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