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Facts About Diabetes – The Basics You Need to Know

June 26, 2014

about diabetes

One of the disturbing facts about diabetes is that it there are over 171 million sufferers worldwide. What is even more alarming is that as of 2007, America had 23.6 million of its citizens suffering from diabetes. These statistics are truly phenomenal and the amount of people suffering with the condition seems to increase very year. So before we delve into more facts about diabetes, what exactly is diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition which means that the body has problems producing or controlling the production of glucose, which is a type of sugar. The glucose that is produced can clog up the bloodstream and result in a rise in blood sugar levels. Another of the facts about diabetes that is often misleading is that it is not necessarily hereditary and can happen to anyone in any situation.

There are two types of diabetes, namely Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes, is where the body stops producing insulin altogether. Insulin is a hormone that is necessary to help use the glucose found in foods. Type 2 diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes, means that the body still produces insulin but not enough. It can also mean that it is not using the insulin it does produce effectively.

Symptoms that may indicate the onset of diabetes include excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, extreme tiredness, blurred vision and wounds that will not heal. If you are diagnosed with diabetes you will be required to frequently test your glucose levels to make sure they are adequate. There are many products available to help you monitor your condition everyday.

There are many items to choose from when it comes to diabetes testing supply options. Most products can be bought over-the-counter in pharmacies, with the exception of insulin, which must be prescribed by a doctor. Glucose meters, testing strips, syringes and lancets are all available from drug stores or online suppliers.

Some stores also offer diabetes testing supply options for you. They can conduct initial tests to see if you could be diabetic, or provide you with free testing kits if you meet certain criteria. They will always advise you to visit your doctor if you have any concerns about your condition.

Are there any ways to prevent diabetes? Well the answer is certainly in the case of Type 2 diabetes. Improving your lifestyle by eating the right foods and exercising correctly are sure-fire ways to prevent the possibility of diabetes affecting you.

To find out more facts about diabetes, a quick search on the internet will provide you with a myriad of information. Diabetes is not a disease but is a serious condition that is not to be taken at face value. It requires constant monitoring and may affect you for the rest of your life.

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