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Diabetic Medical Alert Jewelry – Diabetic Men and Alert Jewelry

February 17, 2013

medical alert

You can die from a diabetic coma if treatment is not given quickly enough. If a person with diabetes becomes unconscious, it is vital that the medical personnel giving treatment are aware of the patient’s medical condition.

Many men refuse point blank to wear any sort of jewelry. These men tend to think that jewelry is for women only; they believe that wearing jewelry is evidence of a lack of masculinity. The younger generation is more open to the wearing of jewelry and all sorts of items of personal adornment. Amongst the older generations, there remains a hard core of men who will not wear any jewelry (except maybe a ring) because they think it would be less than manly. Due to this thinking, a large number of male diabetics refuse to wear diabetic medical alert jewelry.

Two of my male friends are diabetic and neither of them will wear any medical alert jewelry. If you ask them the reason why, they make excuses such as “I’d only lose it” or they state outright “I don’t like jewelry”.

These guys are both type 2 diabetics and they both follow a carefully planned regime of proper diet and regular exercise. They are scrupulous about checking their blood glucose levels and they both keep to regular medical checkups. Cutting down on favourite foods is hard for most people, but it is one of the things most people have to do when they find out they have diabetes.

medical alert

It must be difficult to cope with living with a chronic illness, but my pals have managed to keep their condition under control and neither one of them has become insulin dependent. It seems a bit strange that they will do all the tough things (and I know cutting right down on his Saturday evening beers was a great sacrifice for one of them), but just flat out refuse to even consider wearing a piece of diabetic medical alert jewelry.

People with diabetes must be given appropriate medical care; if an unconscious diabetic is treated by a physician who does not know they have the condition, their health will be in jeopardy. If a doctor administers the wrong treatment, or fails to administer the treatment essential to the diabetic patient, the situation can be life-threatening.

The obvious danger for a diabetic is that he could fall into a diabetic coma. If he is away from home, he might receive assistance from people who have no idea he has diabetes. However, it is not just the danger of coma that threatens diabetics, unconsciousness can occur as the result of all kinds of accidents.

If the patient is wearing a piece of diabetic medical alert jewelry, the medics will be aware of the fact that he is diabetic and will be able to assess his condition and accordingly can provide correct treatment. Diabetes affects men and women, and both should wear diabetic medical alert jewelry at all times.

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